I have been In this clan for many years, and it have always been funny og the teams always fair, the last year some players has been ruined the fun and there is always a lot of playeres that get mad! and frustratet! me included !
The fun for me is over!!

so I have desided to leave the Clan, I always have been paying for the fun and the close relationship - but I feel it is beginning to be just another server.
When I see the players list - a lot of members don't play anymore! at least very selden !that what I see!
I can´t tell you how to make a solution, to solve this ongoing problem!
But I tryede to call out- on behalf of me and other members, the sad is that they did not backed me up - so yes I am feeling a little as a idiot.
you will see me sometimes, but right now I lost my lust!
Best regards The Viking Fighter - I might change my name - and I will remove my tag next time I am in the game!
Hope you all have a merry Christmas