Hello Heinrich and the DBS admins. My delayed reply is because I wanted to think over Heinrich's message. I am disturbed that someone we gamed with for about a decade was tossed out of the community without solid proof of malfeasance, without forewarning, and without a chance for self defense. If an accusation of cheating is made against a DBS member or a regular player, the accuser should be required to bring the receipts. It doesn't take 10 years to get the goods on a cheater.
My only experience with marco is through gaming on the server and I have never witnessed anything from him that would lead me to believe he was cheating. I reviewed his stats and although he is a good player, he is not an extraordinary player statistically - HS/k, accuracy, kill streak, death streak, etc., and was in 6th place because he was good and because he spent a lot of time on the server.
Many of us have been on the server for years and we know the maps and the preferences of many of the regular players so well that we adjust our tactics to match who is on the opposing team according to the map in play.
Marco's reasoning and strategy on the fog maps is spot on and I use a similar approach to what was described in his last post.
We all know that the game has some quirks and the fog maps are quirkier than most. I have been shot many times by people from long distances where I could not see them and did not think I was visible but BAMMM - right in the noggin! And because you know the enemy player preferences, sometimes you just shoot into the most likely hiding place and get a kill!
The hitbox is also somewhat squirrely and seems to be bigger when you are farther away than when you are up close - or maybe I overreact when engaging a nearby target.
Anyway, I hope DBS admins will reconsider marco's ban. Overall it was good to play with and against him and we need more people on the server, not fewer!